
china mobile and my vpn troubles

jojio (54 posts) • +2

heads up. using china mobile

in honghe, and every week or so my internet just cuts off. until this year, 2018, never happened. called them up after repeated problems, calling them up, getting internet back, having it turn off again, guy who installed it finally comes to my place and tries to tell me its my computer, etc, etc etc.

after some extended discussion, he admits its china mobile watching my vpn use. after using it, its system shuts me out, for "keep the country safe". guess its really true that they are figuring out how to get us. anyone in kmg having similar probs? how about on china telecom?
so much for talking to mom in the future.

alienew (422 posts) • 0

A bit spooky but not overly surprising. Surveillance Age, prepare for more everywhere, including what, I imagine, plenty of control freaks all over are already subjecting us to.

alienew (422 posts) • 0

Nothing I've noticed. I use ExpressVPN, but only when I need to to get something I can't get otherwise.

redjon777 (560 posts) • 0

VPN is never 100% reliable but I'm also using ExpressVPN and any rare troubles usually resolve themselves within 5-10 minutes. Just the one period over the party meeting time that there was real grief but usually all good.

@aliennew give it time ;o)

Just to add to that though, last night and today have been pretty poor compared to normal.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

FT headline today: China disrupts global companies’ web access as censorship bites. Plugging the last holes.

kurtosis (86 posts) • 0

I guess the best thing you can do is always stay one step ahead of the authorities. I'm currently running a proxy to which my browser connects. The proxy then tunnels traffic via SSL to my Server in Europe, making it look like ordinary web traffic.

If they block that solution someday, I'll probably hide my traffic as pictures being transmitted over ordinary http connections or so.

As long as everyone always uses standard solutions, it's easy for the government to block traffic. If solutions become more heterogene, it will get exponentially more expensive to keep track of them. So perhaps we should set up our own gokunming VPN...

redjon777 (560 posts) • 0

Surely pretty slow using a server in Europe though.

Another thing is how do you hide day to day traffic as pictures... Any links to this sort of info as it seems a bit unlikely or maybe I'm missing something (perhaps my brain) in your explanation.

China does not just block IP addresses, it does things such as block urls with distasteful (to china) keywords, inspecting and filtering packets, dns poisoning and a whole host of others. So no way is going to work perfect against it all the time.

Solutions seem pretty heterogeneous already with express using about 30/40 locations with five different protocols to choose from when using each location.

alienew (422 posts) • 0

Can't get ExpressVPN to work - when I try to load it, my server cuts off before it can load.

Saw an article on Xinjiang, from Al Jazeera, on yahoo news - wanted to comment, couldn't; tried to load ExpressVPN, couldn't; shut down computer, restarted without VPN, looked for article on Yahoo news - it was no longer there.
In the long run this sort of petty batshit controlfreakery will not work - twinky electronics will win the day. Meanwhile, I've got better things to do than jump through the twinky electronic hoops that are set for me.

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