
Our House Is Torn Down

bilingualexpat (219 posts) • +4

Speaking of birds, the pride of Yunnan, Yangli Ping's (杨丽萍) private Dali residence situated on a distinguished peninsula/islet at the edge Erhai Lake has been ordered to be expropriated.

Setting a good example, the legendary dancer/choreographer made a public statement in full support of the government's decision and efforts to protect the lake. Behind the curtains, Peacock lady’s feathers must be ruffled as her beloved and very expensive mansion will be turned over.

In more local news, say farewell to Kunming’s outdoor handicraft pedestrian street.

Started at 9am yesterday morning, the forcible requisition onslaught was on full display at the landmark Nanping Pedestrian Street bird & flower handicraft outdoor alley (景星街花鸟市场) behind Zhengyi Fang (正义坊).

The row of vendors along the South-North facing alley was blocked & appropriated by well over 30 men in black uniforms consisting of chengguan (城管), police, and SWAT (特警). Broken glass & wood cluttering the alleyway are what remain of these emptied shops.

The East-West alley of vendors across from the pearl market will face the same fate by this Friday, the 19th of January.

Distraught vendors that wish to continue their businesses in the vicinity must now rent spaces in the new “old street” building structure opposite them. Owners complained about the exorbitant rent of "200-300K per year"... most likely referring to ground floor spaces. Rent is probably much less in the basement level or upper floors.

In these two instances, compensations and manners of approach toward celebrity Yangli Ping versus vendor owners are drastically different.

Giggi (33 posts) • 0

@bilingualexpat Interesting parallel. Also note that Yang Liping has just opened a hotpot restaurant in Zhengyi Fang...

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