
Our House Is Torn Down

Trumpster (84 posts) • 0

So in other words, sour grapes.

BTW, your situation is nowhere compared to the OP. He actually spent his money and lost it whereas you just inherited it. As far as I'm concerned you should consider yourself lucky that you got compensated at all because there were many people who weren't in possession of a KMT issued title deed to prove their ownership got nothing.

bilingualexpat (219 posts) • 0

These sour grapes have long been fermented into Napa Valley sweet dessert wine.

As @Napoleon (the Little Corporal of Zimbabwe) declared on his high horse, "this isn't demolition one-upsmanship."

Granted I wholeheartedly agree with your last sentence, are you really going to compare Cuihui with the heart of the Dragon, let alone apartment v.s. land - of which the present value could eat up the upper bulk of 俊园 across from OP's former residence?

For what it's worth, please give my regards to your Chinese wife's Beijing classmate for her/his time ;)

Trumpster (84 posts) • 0


I give you credit for being a good sport. I may not have to like your demeanor but you have my respect.

cloudtrapezer (756 posts) • +1

I have a horrible feeling I might know some of you people

bilingualexpat (219 posts) • 0

@Laodianpiao (OP John Israel)

Touching base to see if you're okay - safely standing your ground amid all the chaos created by the 拆迁办.

If it's any consolidation or silver lining, this just came to my attention... all real estate developers in Hainan Island Province (and probably beyond) whose projects situated 200 meters within its entire 1,580km coastline (一线海景) are facing the merciless wrath of Beijing.

The Central Environmental Protection Inspection Team (中央环保督查组) has mandated the termination of all construction and even the sale of 一线海景 ocean-view apartments/villas/hotels/restaurants/businesses/artificial peninsulas & islands, indefinitely. In more extreme cases, ordered the immediate demolition of completed and ongoing commercial projects by prominent developers with seemingly bottomless war chest and ceilingless reach. No amount of 红包 for local or provincial officials could bail them out at this point.

The state level, led by President Xi, is currently raining down hard on land developers & corruption in the name of environmental protection.

Stratocaster (161 posts) • +1

"Foreign residents of China should never assume their passports will exempt them from forced eviction."

I just shake my head in disbelief. How could anyone, let alone a history professor, make that assumption? Is there something I'm missing here?

I've made foolish mistakes in judgement too, but then I don't go public with them looking for sympathy.

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