

bilingualexpat (219 posts) • 0

I'm thankful of the crate-full of free sea gull chow every morning around 9am, Monday through Friday, past the South Gate Entrance prior to the first inclining bridge. Bring your own bag to fill up the food. The Siberian sea gulls are thankful as well.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

redjon777 (560 posts) • +1

@Dazzer I already see and hear Xmas stuff in places but I never hear anything regarding Thanksgiving. Wouldn't know it was coming up unless Americans started talking about it or 'Chinese' expat bars promoted a dinner.

Not quite the big thing Americans have ingrained in them back home once you leave the USA.

@Vicar If they want to play the part I'm sure the food will go down just as well ;o)

Alien (3819 posts) • -2

@redjon: It's not an international festival, just the American (and also Canadian) version of a harvest festival, seen in Christian religious terms thanks to the culture of the early Anglo Protestant colonizers of the northeast of what is now the US (not sure how Quebecois Catholics see the Canadian version). Has taken on a nationalist aura in the US. The Chinese harvest festival has already passed and is not seen as a nationalist thing. In both North America and China, a harvest festival is, unsurprisingly, mostly about family and cultural traditions, not political ones.

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

@redjon777 Chinese New Year (CNY) is well celebrated in California with parades, crowded restaurants and other activities in the Chinese community. In October there are plenty of moon cakes gifted and regifted as well.

The problem doing Thanksgiving in China is getting a bird and a way to roast it. But it can be done. I've cooked T-Day turkeys in Saigon, over 50 years ago, in Beijing and Kunming as well. And that was the full deal: bird, stuffing, gravy, cranberries, the works.

I bought turkeys from Wicker Basket several times.

Peter99 (1246 posts) • -2

Like Aliens post mentions the word ‘nationalism’, it needs some clarification. Fortunately most of us are starting to see through this by now.

Heres the recipe, first you blurr the line between patriotism and nationalism, (like Alien already did) then you widen it further and toss in the words ultra-nationalism, christianity, patriarchy and colonialism. Then when that is mixed in, you toss in a dose of ‘nazism’ on the top of the cake. Voilá.

Then we get to part two, when the lunatic warriors are sent in to attack the evil thanksgiving day. Ultimate goal is to change it to the karl marx US revolutionary day. For this new day men will also be welcomed provided they dress in pink pu**yhats (can be ordered from lemonlover) and have a fair amount self hatred.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

Just like 'Happy holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas'. Damn liberal nutjobs.

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