

Peter99 (1246 posts) • -3
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Seems there is no Thanksgiving Day celebrated in Kunming, at least, based on the calendar here.

A word or two could be said and analyzed about that, but I`ll leave the politizising on that.

For those interested - and if there is any patriot still around - there are excellent thanksgiving dinners in places like Thailand, Philippines, even in Hong Kong. You can still book the ticket.

And just as a sidenote, not even being american here, going for the first time to attend this kind of dinner, couldnt find a MAGA cap, but joining in, in high spirits. With some great american people. God save the republic.

Haali (1178 posts) • +1

Trolling again Peter?

Not American so I don't care, but I daresay there will be many thanksgiving dinners around KM.

The Park is doing turkey and pumpkin pie. I daresay all 3 Wicker Baskets will be doing the same, minus the alcohol.

Peter99 (1246 posts) • -1

Well, thats great to hear then. Would have put a lot more gunpowder in if it was meant as trolling. See, the calendar on the right side has no thanksgiving events, so it raised the eyebrows, so to say. (with regard to the fact that most prominent americans on this website have been anti-us.) USA needs our support more than ever. Its a matter of time before the lunatics go after thanksgiving. God bless the USA.

Haali (1178 posts) • +3

At a glance, I can see 3 thanksgiving events on the calendar on the right hand side (Ozzies, Barfly, and The Park). Did you do a 'man-look'?

michael2015 (784 posts) • 0

We're not anti-USA - just whining...it's another great american past-time and cultural behavior - whining, belly-aching.

If there's any doubt - dilbert.com?

redjon777 (560 posts) • +1

Why does China need to worry about Thanksgiving day? I doubt they have too many spring festival dinners abroad either but the Chinese there will probably be doing it between themselves.

Grab any Americans you can, agree to do a part each, meet at someone's place and I'll guarantee you'll end up with something more akin to what you want. Come Xmas dinner, I'll be making sure it's home made rather than eating out, it's just not the same eating that sort of food at a restaurant is it? Becomes just any part of the year roast dinner (still great) which we all like but takes away the feel :o)

Dazzer (2813 posts) • +1

china will care about thanksgiving, same as xmas, valentines day, etc. they will turn it into a money spinner."can i have cranberry hagen daz, and turkey pizza, and a new iphone x for thanksgiving daddy?", "yes of course my little princess".

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