
They MUST be stopped!

Danmairen (510 posts) • 0

The Bilderberg Group held their annual meeting in Greece this week and as usual they are plotting to take over the world, extent the financial crisis indefinately, spread swine flu all over the world, assasinate people and all the works. At least that's what some people think.

Granted I was suspicious at first but now I've gone and done my research. The Bilderberg Group (at first I looked up Edwin and Ethel Bilderberg by mistake, the nice elderly Jewish couple down the road) consists mainly of "these people", "them" and "they". It sure is scary. With so many "journalists" following "these people" around whereever "they" go noone figured out who "they" are besides some not-so-qualified guesswork. "They" sure are good at keeping everything secret.

On the website www.UnfoundedEvidence.com/"where-is-the-truth?"/black_eyed_beans.html I found out who the leaders are. The top guy is only known as "The Man". Directly under him are the lieutenants: Hans "Goldmember" Van Brockenhorse, the Dutch representative in the EU International Banking Corp. Phillip McCrotch (aka "Richelieu") American CIA trustee. Carrie Oakey, the widow of the late and very influential Canadian billionaire Michael Oakey III. Dr. Evan Ville representing Swiss banking interests and last but not least Mohammad Derka-Derka (aka The butcher of Dhaka), Prince of SaudiArabia. Unconfirmed rumours place Burma's General Zod in the inner circle as well. We need to wake up and smell the green tea.

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