
Anyone here gotten a Chinese Green Card?

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

The green card is mostly a showpiece. If you apply, don't hold your breath, unless you're a superhero. Not for mere mortals.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • +1

It's more than a showpiece if it works with Chinese id readers. You could buy train tickets at the automated machines then.

jiangwu (33 posts) • +1

It clearly states on baike that if you have been married to a Chinese national for 4 years, have continuously resided in China during that time and have also regularly paid tax then you can apply for it

Hotwater (205 posts) • +3

@ Jiangwu. It’s 5 years, not 4. Always has been. Applying is one thing...getting approved is something else.

baiyuxiang (111 posts) • 0

I plan to apply for a green card soon. (Married more than 5 years.) Any updates from those who have applied successfully or unsuccessfully? Tuodong lu office in Room 301 said it takes 6 months to 2 years.

alienew (422 posts) • 0

Doubtless a handful have gotten them, but I think the very existence of the green card is mostly a kind of Chinese government PR stunt, unlike the US green card. Could change if enough people flee the US.

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