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ASatiricalBloke (103 posts) • +1



Might I suggest, as that seems to be the word of the day, everyone heed the same advice.

Peter99 (1246 posts) • -1

Agree with dazzer. You can actually get used to "Alien" like you can get used to a barking dog at night, or a train passing by your house. it takes some time, but eventually you learn to filter him.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

alien, you can filter posts for yourself, posters shouldnt need to self censor for you. could be your demands for others to self censor is why you got accused as wumao a few days ago

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@dazzer: I agree and I do filter for myself. I think posters should self-center in the common interest of those who have chosen to participate in the topic of discussion.

Peter99 (1246 posts) • 0

So its great A if you werent a spy on laowais. It looked almost as if you were one, ...eventually calling others "china haters", you teaming with a anti-us hardliner outside the forum, being some sort of new marxist ideologist, guarding the forum, being actively blurring social criticism here.

Sorry for suspecting it man.

Alien (3819 posts) • +1

I think I've dealt with that and am not interested in any more of your suspicions of me personally or irrelevant revelations that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. If you and others want to run on concerning them, don't expect responses from me here - start another thread. Seems to me there's not much more to say that is relevant for this one anyway, and I'd be surprised if we haven't already bored a lot of people to death.

vicar (817 posts) • 0

People can choose not to be bored. Or they can choose to continue this thread. I for one am still deep in thought over this topic so may have to return at a later date.

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