
US Citizens: voting help and dem community

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

Not necessarily. Lots of military votes from outside the US, so it's probably overwhelming republican.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@Alex: Good point, occurred to me, when you figure in the military, who are obviously many, sent overseas by Democratic and Republican administrations alike, and often living with less contact with ordinary foreign civilian expats and local civilians. I'll bet a high percentage of them vote, too. But they aren't a factor in Kunming.
Doubtless there are statistics somewhere.

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

Statistics as to how any group actually voted is lacking as the US uses a secret ballot system. The best we can do is look to preference surveys. Unfortunately, most surveys on the 2016 presidential election predicted Clinton an easy winner.

A September, 2016, survey of military service members found these interesting items:


Women service members, 15% of military personnel, favored Clinton over Trump by over ten percentage points.

“Surprisingly, Libertarian Gary Johnson took the lead, followed closely by Republican candidate Donald Trump, with Democrat Hillary Clinton trailing a distant third.”

“Still, as established in the Sep. 2016 poll, both major-party candidates remain largely disliked by most service members. Only 4% of troops polled said they have “abundant confidence that Clinton can lead the military as commander in chief,” according to the Military Times report. About 9% reported confidence in Trump. More than 60% said they had little confidence in either.”

BTW, the military of peace loving China is about 50% larger than that of the war mongering US.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Interesting, Geezer, guess Alex & I are both wrong, seems people in the military are a bit fed up too. Seems there should be a tally of numbers of votes from overseas for Democrats and Republicans, though, as there is for each state, county and town, but there may not be. At any rate, the secret ballot doesn't come into it.

michael2015 (784 posts) • -4
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Just to throw a conspiracy theory way out of left field wrench into the whole discussion, since we're merely discussing various interesting opinions (and occasionally disparaging each other - why do we feel inclined to do that?) - it's also theoretically possible the original intent is NOT actually to include expat US voters, but to gather verified information on the expats and their political tendencies. A CIA/NSA sponsored initiative.

Just saying...

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@Michael: theoretically possible, I guess, but somehow I doubt it - Republicrats and Libertarians are not really threats to the System. Anyway, they can read gokunming from Washington, tho I seriously doubt if it's very high priority.

ASatiricalBloke (103 posts) • -7
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Hello, it's me again. I'm inclined to think that the OP is part of China's anti-spy "Dangerous Love" campaign. He is creating a database of Americans with a political view to be included in our dangan docket so that it can be used during the next visa application. This database also has the added benefit of being used to meddle in the 2018 election. A Johnny-come-lately since Russia has already mastered the technique.

-- Love live mother Russia, downfall to America!!

ASatiricalBloke (103 posts) • -1

I assumed the name was self-explanatory, well, you know what they say about assuming.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • +1

Some people don't get satire, others have no sense of humor about some branches of politics. Especially now everything seems to get so polarized.

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