Hi Americans living in Kunming! I wanted to invite you to join Democrats Abroad China. We are a volunteer organization supporting US citizens living and voting from China. Sign up to join our community and get informed about how to vote from abroad. democratsabroad.org/join
You're all about supporting the US Democratic Party, is that right?
Yes, our mission is to help all Americans vote from abroad (regardless of party affiliation) and also to support electing Democrats. If you'd like more info you can also see votefromabroad.org which is paid for by Democrats Abroad but is a resource provided to all Americans.
It doesn't surprise me at all that Democrats would have to rely on guidance on how to vote abroad, but setting up a political party organization in China really screams of desperation and madness.
it dont surprise me at all that some republicans abroad might need someone else to set it up for them. and the democrats are allowing them to use theirs, and not just building a wall.
After losing the last upset presidential election to Trump of all people - the democratic party is in the process of trying to rebuild and re-brand itself. Even Trump was totally unprepared and totally did NOT expect to win. In fact, NOBODY really expected him to win.
Republicans needing the democrats to do their voting for them makes absolute sense. Trusting a democratic community to handle republican votes doesn't...
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Millions expected Reps to win just as millions expected Dems to win. Its called divide and control and is working a treat.
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We are still hearing about the American election months after its finished. What an American vacuum GoKunming is becoming.
I hope next year you're all as keen on the Zimbabwean General Election as you were on the American one.
but we know uncle bob will win again. even posthumously