
Leaving Kunming?

Stratocaster (161 posts) • 0

I lived in Xiamen for about ten years. During that time, I visited LiJiang a few times and thought "why the hell do I live in ugly, hot & boring Xiamen?" So I moved my home to beautiful LiJiang. I'll be working in Guangzhou for the next three years. It's not much better than XM, except for the pay. Looking forward to spending most of my holidays in LJ. By 2020 I will have spent 15 in China and look forward to spending time in someplace in the world totally different. Any suggestions?

Napoleon (1187 posts) • -6
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By 2081 I will have spent over 100 years in China on and off and racked up over 1 million posts on GoKunming.

Get yourself to Africa.

@HF Campo
Ningbo is hell on earth.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Have spent quite a few years in Taiwan, like it very much.
@Peter: interesting comment. Frankly I've never been able to appreciate the idea that Eve wasn't supposed to eat that apple and that we should all remain a bit ignorant, though I'm sure there are theologians who would explain it to me.

Stratocaster (161 posts) • 0

@Napoleon Yes, I want to go to Africa. Studying Mbira in Zimbabwe would be awesome. My challenge is to convince my (Chinese) wife that Africa would be a good place to live. A quick check on the web suggests Botswana to be the safest country on the continent. My new boss is from SA. Hopefully, if she likes my work over the next three years, she could help me get a job there.

Peter99 (1246 posts) • -3
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Judging by Liumingkes minus, the PSB may want to sniff more meticulously around for English teachers that are in fact missionaries. :) The 'old trick'.

Cant be too easy to be missionary in China these days. Different in the good ol days, when missionaries were still missionaries :)

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0


Plenty of Chinese in Zim for her to feel at home. Our former education minister was Chinese.

Botswana is one of the best ran countries in Africa. Plenty of teaching jobs to be had there, I know of a few Saffy run schools around Chobe where you have elephants wandering through the school yard plus you've got Vic Falls and all the trappings of Zimbabwe just down the road.

Plus the immigration policies to Zim, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa are all pretty liberal, especially if you're Dutch, Algerian or a Brit.

marko21 (16 posts) • 0

Me and my partner are leaving Kunming because we feel we can earn and save more back home, also my parents are back home and I haven't been home in a while to be around them. also I just miss having a more chill lifestyle, be able to have my own workspace and garage where I can fix stuff, enjoy the smaller population, be near around 100 different beaches, go fishing in the clean sea full of fish, climb dormant volcanoes all within an hour from each other and go for epic bushwalks with no sign of human life (yes I'm from Auckland) also to have a garden and a dog, its a bit harder here in KM to have those things. We weighed up everything and decided Auckland was a better place to live (well it is rated in the top 10 most liveable cities for a few years in a row now)

vicar (817 posts) • 0

That sounds really nice marko21! Would you say Auckland is the best place to live in NZ?

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