
Am I really in a place that bad?

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

Kunming isn't bad , but on the other hand it is not that good either . If I were a professional (non teacher) looking at relocating to China, especially if I had a family in tow, I doubt that Kunming would be on the radar, to be totally honest.

Haali (1178 posts) • 0

Tiger - when you take out the cities with high pollution in the winter (pretty much all the ones north of the Yangxi and many of the ones south) which will take years off you and your families' life, there aren't that many cities left. If you want comfortable climate too, that only leaves Kunming, Dali and Lijiang. Dali and Lijiang don't appeal to me as they are tourist towns rather than real cities.

tallamerican (396 posts) • 0

For a number of reasons i am now residing in the Philippines. With temps pushing 90 and the dew point close to 80 everyday i now appreciate the weather in kunming much more. Looking forward to sleeping in the future with a blanket covering me again.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

@Haali. If your a non teaching professional, you first need a city that has an opening for your profession. That's most likely not Kunming. Then you would probably like a salary that helps towards saving for chlidrens college in your home country, which if it's not a free German or scandi uni. There again, your not likely to find that salary level in Kunming. Beijing has rat shit air. It also has the most number of professional expats and their families. That being said, the list in that article is garbage. Kunming beats a couple of those cities in my opinion, and I've been to all of them except batou.

Haali (1178 posts) • -1

Yes, if you are that in that perhaps

1-2% of people from a developed country working long term in China in a field unrelated to education e.g. manufacturing, engineering,

finance, then chances are you don't have much choice about where to go anyway, as you have to go wherever your employer sends you. But the vast majority of people work in education (the website the article is from is an organisation for placing teachers in China), and can basically choose to go wherever they fancy.

SpartansSpartans (184 posts) • -3
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Well, considering that in Kunming, salaries are almost half of what they average in other Chinese cities, and that rent is much more expensive than those same cities which offer higher incomes, it is not surprising that this tobacco city doesn't show on the list.

SpartansSpartans (184 posts) • -8
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As for the English Diaspora discussion, our first world refugees shouldn't be blamed for that.

Ever since fat boy Churchill destroyed the British economy by warmongering two WW's against Germany, where Britain went from an Empire where the sun never set before him to an Island of debt by the time he left office, and that is now full of Muslims who are outbreeding them; I sincerely wish those expats good luck.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • +5

I don't remember Churchill starting either war. Nor do I see how it relates to the rankings of Chinese cities in the list being discussed.

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