
Private Schools for Ex-Pat Kids

GracieMei (34 posts) • 0

I am looking for an elementary school that is run by ex-pats (aka native English speakers) for three elementary students to attend.

They are not American, so a heavy emphasis on America is not what they are looking for in a curriculum. Also, KIA is out of their price range and way too far south. Are there any co-op schools or other elementary schools in the north area of KMG that are in existence?

Any suggestions?

michael2015 (784 posts) • +2

From this forum, I'm unaware of any budget minded international schools (the phrase is an oxymoron).

Your best bet - look for homeschoolers and try to join in OR start your own homeschool group.

There's a wealth of curriculum material for guidance in addition to online syllabus materials.

For a non-US perspective - take a look at the Australian students' curriculum for K12.

Here's the weblink - your group can then download the various prolific curricula for the appropriate grades.

Best of luck.


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