
Health Certificate

jadorechocolate (37 posts) • 0

I'm moving to Kunming in the next few months and will be teaching English with one of those private language schools. They're trying to coordinate my work (Z) visa right now, and are insisting that I get a "Health Certificate" here in the US...

I've lived in China before, and have gotten such a certificate in Beijing, but never in the states. Anyone know what the deal is with this? I was under the impression that you could still get a Z visa, and get the health check within 30 days of arriving in China.

nailer (99 posts) • 0

Yeah I arrived on a tourist visa and did my health check here in Kunming.

This is the clinic, maybe ask your school to call them:
Address: Rixin Cun, Guandu District, 488# (昆明市官渡区日新村488);

Tele: 0871-67161994;

Working time: Monday-Friday,

8.30am-11.30am & 2pm-5pm

jadorechocolate (37 posts) • 0

Thank you for the info! Just to clarify: you arrived on a tourist visa, did your health check in Kunming, and then got your work visa processed?

oea-km (2 posts) • +2

The school may want you to get a health check done in the US to show proof you don't have any infectious diseases or health problems PRIOR to your arrival to insure they can proceed with your application without issue after you arrive. Although this is a requirement from the authorities, some schools may skip this process usually because the applicant is already in China. If you do get a check done in US, you would still need another one in Kunming, too. You should discuss with your school first.

baiyuxiang (111 posts) • 0

When I came in 2010 I opted to do the health check in the US to facilitate arriving on a Z visa. After arriving I (think) I still had to do the Chinese health check anyway.

Of course the visa process has changed since then, but if it's possible to do your visa work after arriving you'll save a few hundred dollars worth of checks by doing the health check after you arrive.

cloudtrapezer (756 posts) • 0

It's not a requirement of the authorities as far as I know. It's more likely just the school covering itself, especially if they're paying for flights etc. You'll probably have to take another health test when you get here anyway.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • +1

If they have asked you to get the health check and send them the report before you arrive, then my thinking is similar to @oea-km.

In Kunming, the full work visa process now takes 63 frickin days. And you cannot get the Z visa here, once you have been approved by Kunming Labor Bureau you have to go out of mainland China again for the visa. This is another trip and more expense.

If the school can do all the pre-approval paperwork ( I think they need your health cert for this) and post that to you in the US, then you can get your Z visa issued by the Chinese consulate/embassy in the US before you leave.

I know someone who got their health check in the US, from their local doctor. With no need for a hospital visit and expensive tests. I think it was a form filled in by the doctor.

I could be wrong, of course.

nailer (99 posts) • 0

jadorechocolate, yes that's waht i did.

and yes you will have to leave china to get it processed. It took me about 6 months here of nonsense before i finally got it.

You'll prob be sent to hong kong, but recently i heard of a teacher going to Hk for this and was told "HK is in china, we cant do it here". so make sure your school are on the ball.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • +1

I think that if you are going to HK, or even Chiang Mai, your documentation

needs to state that you will be processing your application in HK/ChM. Your school should make sure that the issuing office (I think it is the Labor Bureau) is informed of your need to go to HK.ChM and then check it is in the documentation.

If you don't do this, then you will be expected to return to your home country for processing.

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