To be clear, uncontrolled access was and remains a threat to Party dominance. You can then plausibly argue that the stability of China depends upon firm control. But if you want to be so clear then don't put the cart before the horse.
To be clear, uncontrolled access was and remains a threat to Party dominance. You can then plausibly argue that the stability of China depends upon firm control. But if you want to be so clear then don't put the cart before the horse.
Its not only about Party dominance, You had porn pouring in, violence, decadence, provoking sentiments, and what not. Of course, the same phenomenons currently ripping apart West were eagerly waiting for their chances too. And the thing of making rumors illegal - well, you did have these fake rumors going on and such. People in China behave in a social group, if u can convince and scare 100 peope theres a nuclear reactor broken, you got the whole city messed up.
So in a word, the threat to social stability is more than just about party dominance.
And believe me, you do not want to experience a China were party is loosing total control.
HK3 is gone
Control freakism can be overdone, especially when it's carried out very broadly through minds.
individ servers regularly go down for a day or so, then pop back up again. usually only one or two at a time. very rarely the whole shebang goes down for a day or two
By the way Alien. Your earlier message (on page 4) seems to be such, that you are still so excited about the looting in Europe that you have masqueraded your excitement in taoist mysticism.
Peter, I'm not talking about looting anywhere, I'm talking about VPNs in China.
Peter, it's telling you state porn, violence, decadence was 'pouring in'. Are you saying that China was or is pure, calm and lacked any over indulgence at any level of society, and all of this immorality was an import from Europe?
If so, it is indicative of how skewed your posts are.
Party dominance and social responsibility are coupled relationships in China. Although China has all the trappings of a developed country - the culture and behavior is still a large pervasive work in progress, especially in the west of China, where most of us live and work. Scientific management, social responsibility, environmental responsibility, business processes - these are all developing works in progress.
As for comments regarding China's chaotic or not chaotic management - the country lifted most of it's people out of poverty (over 600 million) with just a few 100 million or less still on the radar. So management is more an issue of focus - is good government one that creates prosperity or one that creates (and strongly enforces) social harmony (or a hybrid blend, with "moderate prosperity")?
What a comment and question you can perform man. Was it even for me? How to even answer it, apparently you spit out something. Looks funny.