Won't this styme international businesses all over China?
Won't this styme international businesses all over China?
Maybe reason announced enforcement so far in advance is to get feedback from businesses and people as to negative impact. Party does not want to give people another reason to be angry.
@ Liu "Won't this styme international businesses all over China?"
Personal guess is that there has been sufficient amount of time now, to build a somewhat functioning basis, if the VPN:s are shut down. But who knows.
Some two years ago I did a "internet run" to Vietnam, to be able to do some crucial transactions, when all was closed down in China. 6h with train. Heh.
Or maybe theres a special solution for businesses.
These VPN shutdown rumors seem to come and go too. Whatever Bloomberg or whoever reports.
And in retrospective, it has been a fairly wise choice from China to keep the chaotic forces at bay by restricting access to the net. Whatever they do in future is probably a wise decision.
Here's a further update:
Generally, offshore VPNs are difficult to block, as the firewalls must target specific IP addresses, not to mention VPNs that encapsulate and mask traffic to look like standard secure (SSL etc) internet traffic.
Most of the sensationalist propaganda hype surrounding China's shutting down VPNs is related to domestic providers of VPN services, but most garbage journalists don't bother to properly research their articles in today's age of high speed garbage-laden tabloid news masquerading as professional journalism and more properly categorized as "entertainment".
@Peter: I'd have to disagree - not all unmanaged forces here are chaotic, and not all of what is called 'chaos' is negative. More or less organized and 'managed' demonstrations, for example, when carried out with insufficient or slanted information can be negative too, even when they're not 'chaotic'.
Is 'management' a recognised profession anywhere in China? And what about administration?
Over the last decade working in education here, teachers often get moved to management jobs and 'managers' are just favoured placements who rarely show any management expertise. Just getting by entails working around managerial incompetence. Only once in 12 years have I ever started a semester with a timetable that was correct. Even first year students learn very quickly to cope with chaos caused by management.
@liumingke. I read they will allow larger businesses a separate unblocked leased line.
@ Alien
Dont know what you even disagree with. The uncontrolled Internet was a clear threat to Chinas stability. Period.
For some reason it seems some of you who live there, and for years without even learning a single Chinese word, got no damn clue whats going on around.