I finished teaching a semester of general English last month at the Kunming University of Science and Technology.
While the students were great and the Chinese staff very helpful, I feel I should warn any foreign teacher thinking about teaching there about a few issues.
Firstly, I was told three days before the first class that there was no textbook and that I would have to create the entire body of course materials from scratch, as well as submit a detailed syllabus for the semester at a moment's notice.
Secondly, because of the way their accounting department figures income tax witholding, the promised 150 yuan per hour turned out to be 132 yuan per hour.
And finally, the pay process is glacially slow; I taught the last class on December 8 and won't see my final salary payment until March 21(!).
And I didn't find any of this out until I noticed that the first payment (three months after starting the class) to the bank where I had to open an account was not the amount I was expecting.
So only consider teaching there if you're okay with filling out mountains of paperwork, creating a semester course on your own from scratch, waiting three months to get paid for your efforts and receiving almost 20 yuan per hour less for your trouble than what is in the contract.