
election in US

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

The Americans have just had another of their presidential elections. What might we do about it?

Napoleon (1187 posts) • -3
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I wondered how long it would be before one of the yanks would bring up an election thousands of miles away, in another continent, and another country and presume it's relevant to the lives of every man woman and child in Kunming.

It's not.

Sorry to deflate your American egos.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • +2

Never discussion Religion or Politics. It will get you in trouble. :-).

Alien (3819 posts) • -2

@ AllPage: yeah, I think finding one a them bars will be a good first step.
@ Napoleon: Sorry to disappoint you, but the US government & corporate friends affect everybody everywhere (even more than other governments & their corporate friends - & the corporate friends tend to be more or less the same, anyway the same type) - that's not a boast, it's an ongoing catastrophe, pretty much defines hegemony (fortunately not complete, but then it never can be, at least not for long).

The Scouser (41 posts) • +5


Nah mate, that's something that goes on in your own head in order to make you feel a bit special and give you the

confidence to air your out of touch opinions.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • -4
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Oh I didn't know that the winner of the American presidential election also got to run Kunming.

Last I saw for all the government and corporate friends didn't even get a ladder for his aeroplane.

Sorry Alien but you seem to be living in your own self importance.

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