
Dali Visa extention

Hotwater (205 posts) • 0

@HeHeHe, you get visas dealt with at the entry-exit office. I'm sure some kind soul will post the address if you can't find it by a search.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

I read the other four comments before yours. Didn't see any sarcasm. Yours somehow had more than a touch of it, but guess your link makes up for it.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • +1

I have no idea what 4 comments you are talking about since there is only 1 comment after Hehes inquiry - Wrong again! As usual!

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

I made sure to read hotwaters comment a few times. Didn't find a hint of sarcasm. So I checked over the prior ones too just in case. Again no hint of sarcasm. What sarcasm were you pointing to then?

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • +1

If you can not see it - then you do not want to see it.

As is common practice on this forum, there is no desire to help a person who asks a simple question. So why bother coming to this thread to comment if you do not just provide the answer the person is looking for.

Mike started this thread by asking a simple question and the next person immediately provided the answer to his question.

Hehe interjected by asking a similar but different question, but no reply - just empty useless words - no link - no reply. Leave that to another kind soul - I am not kind - this is the message that was sent and received!

But then again, you did the very same thing to Christian in the Festivals thread.

Christian asked a simple question and Philou immediately posted a link with the reply. You however, sarcastically asked him - Can you not use google?

What was the purpose of that comment after someone already gave Christian the answer? No purpose - just empty useless words = sarcasm - antagonism.

Since you asked - I took the time to reply. Live and let Live!

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