
English test

goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

I'm looking for a basic English test I can give a child as an incoming student to assess their English level. It should be something very general... short and simple just to see if they have a very low English level or a basic level. Does anyone have a link or any ideas. I could make up my own test but it would take me a long time and I don't have much of it now. The students will range from about 8-13 years.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0

Perhaps this is what you're looking for:


failing that if you want something a bit more specific use the Cambridge Flyers exam for the 8 year olds and the KET for the 13 year olds. Many practice Cambridge tests can be found online.

Failing that a lot of the text books nowadays come with a test booklet - Headway, Cutting Edge, Big English etc. Get a PDF and use one or combine a few with a bit of cutting and pasting and make something more around what you're planning on teaching.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

New concept English book 1 has a pre-test in the beginning of the book.

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