
Suggestions for traveling to Laos

petemarks (18 posts) • 0


I'm planning a two week trip to Laos in August and I was wondering if people who have been had any suggestions. I haven't done much research yet so any info or tips would be helpful.


goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

Be prepared to pay a bribe if you get your visa at the airport. The government official there may ask you what you have for him and he prefers US dollars.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Suggest you go by land, it's a good trip, and you don't get bribed for the visa available to most nationalities at the border.
Another thing, really pleasant if you don't fight it: don't expect things to happen on any tight schedule.
Vang Vieng is a waste of time to stay in, full of dopey folks who think they are backpackers sitting around doing drugs & watching old US TV shows - although it's a beautiful area.
I like Luang Namtha, just over the border from China (called Nanta in Chinese - direct buses from Jinghong).
If you get way down south, go to Khone Island & the Falls area on the Mekong just north of the Cambodian border.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

Are there river trips down the Mekong? And if so, is it safe now?
What is the best way to travel through Laos, train?

Any recent info appreciated.

ricsnapricsnap (193 posts) • 0

The road between Luang Prabang and Vientiane is well known to be one of the most dangerous on earth. At the same time tho, it is extremely beautiful because going through some stunning mountains. The road condition and especially the drivers are bad. VIP mini vans are always suggested, but I had a nice 'cultural' experience also on a cheap, huge bus used by the locals.

At the friendship border bridge between Thailand and Laos, I had to wait 2h for my visa to be issued. That was due to a power outage. I didn't see any bribing, instead.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

1 - Never get a visa on arrival - take the time to go to the consulate and get it done before you go. The subway station is directly in front of the consulate now so it is very convenient.

2 - The boat trips are nice but too long. The 1 day boat trip leaves you in the middle of nowhere and the 2 day trip is too long. However, if you go during non-peak season, the boat trip can be nice because the boats are not crowded. Go during peak season and its hell because you have no room and you are stuck with a bunch of drunken smelly backpacking laowais for 2 days and all you have is a wooden seat. I have done the boat trip from both directions (N-S + S - N). North to South is the most crowded. Avoid the crowds and do the boat trip on your way back north.

3 - If you go - then do it right and don't do the 4 countries in 1 month route like most nasty (cheap) backpackers do. Go by bus from China and cross the border and see and enjoy the entire country from top to bottom. The people are great and so is the food.

4 - I took the local bus which is slow and loud (music) but very enjoyable. The minivans are faster but the nasty laowais have 2 huge backpacks per person and they will squeeze everyone inside with their luggage.

The worst part of travelling to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia is the Nasty laowais.

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

I never had a problem with getting a visa on arrival in Vientiane. In fact, I arrived once sans visa photos but for $3 USD extra, the visa was issued. Seems USD were preferred.

In Beijing, I would get the Laos visa at the Laos embassy. But at the Laos Consulate in Kunming, I was told to get the visa on arrival.

I like Vang Vieng but the nasty laowais are in abundance as are the drugs. I always stayed at the Elephant Crossing Hotel, very nice at $45 USD per night. Every room has a lovely view of the river with clouds drifting by karst towers. (PM me for a photo). No nasty laowais in this hotel.

I always wanted to go from Jinghong to Vientiane by boat but each year it was sold out or no water in the river or time was an issue. This trip is a bucket list item, but never could manage it. Go for it.

Travel inside Laos is primarily by bus. I had Lao friends and got hooked up with a Vientiane taxi driver who took me to Vang Vieng and other spots. Not the cheapest way but faster and I got to see a lot more as we became buddies. Some roads are notorious for bandits.

Two notes of caution: Lots of angry dogs wandering in the streets and they do not like nasty laowais, and do not order anything from the menu with "happy" in the name as you will fail a pee test.

Laos is lovely and photogenic. The people are happy, friendly and will liberate kip from tourists with skill.

Enjoy! ສະບາຍດີ! Sabaidi!

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