
Public fighting.

goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

She didn't sound Vietnamese. I don't think many people here know Fleetwood Mac. The suicide one... you don't want her to harm herself so instead you harm her?

I guess the rest are plausible.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

for the rest, you might lock someone in the trunk, AND THEN CALL THE COPS, not drive around and stop for gaS.

michael2015 (784 posts) • 0

I "didn't just know" and the "I should just know" rebuttal was an interesting response, so I had to think about why you'd say that and "why I should just know".

I'm from the incredibly litigious and legally oppressive USA, where both corporate and military and civilian management are hypersensitive to blanket statements that could be construed as harassment.

We're trained at least once, and sometimes annually, on race issues, gender issues, and more recently, on both gender and sexual orientation, which could make one hyper-paranoid, so yeah...mabye I'm at fault for "not just knowing" aka assuming to know how you think or what you meant.

We're also trained annually on criminal fraud, waste, and abuse - but that thread leads seriously off-topic into some nasty turf.

So - public apologies for being perhaps ludicrously paranoid and assuming the worst, as opposed to arguably assuming the best. The US government trained me and others to be this way and enforced that paranoia with severe threats such as termination, suspension, discipline, etc for any perceived infractions. That does not include the potential civil suits that can literally drive one bankrupt and or insane. That's the law...

On that note - China's a great country - where people can engage in very public fracas. How's THAT for human rights...ah..wrong thread...

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

I have seen Chinese men publicly beating Chinese women, with crowds watching, enough to suspect it is fairly common. I witnessed an incident in Beijing, from the onset until the guy walked away.

I was less than 10 meters behind him when he, with no provocation or conversation, flat out attacked a woman knocking her to the ground then kicking and stomping her outside a subway station. Perhaps 100 people stood and watched.

I was on my way to teach and in the class I mentioned the beating to my postgrad students. 70% women, the consensus was "she must have done something wrong."

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Shit behaviour of all present. In general - and I think there are very many daily mundane examples of this - concern in China for anonymous persons in public should be a bit better than it is.

redjon777 (560 posts) • 0

The English over there causing a few rucks are disowned by 99.9% of English.

I hate the fact people think they represent us, when I first came to China a few of my wife's friends asked me if I was a hooligan because i liked football. I was like WTF???

Public fighting is definitely stupid lol

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

Football fan (male) vs football fan (male) is different than man punches woman, slams trunk on her hand, and locks her in trunk at a gas station.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

@Geezer. I found the reaction by your female post grad students interesting. Very different than what would be in West. Most likely polar opposite.

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