
Chinese can still shock me!

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0


What an absolute scumbag comment.

To respond to a post with a baseless accusation is completely out of order. For you it may have been an urge to show you're part of some sort of 'liberal elite' and I'm sure that comment would have been easy to form after a good read of The Guardian and its ilk.

Consider that such an accusation would be amongst the most serious you could level at a Zimbabwean and one that could result in homelessness, prison, a huge fine, loss of travel rights, etc etc. Who knows who's reading the posts. For you it was just an ego boost, maybe a high five from Redjohn. The most important thing wasn't race, or the accused, but you.

For you racism may be a chance to show political one upsmanship, or a chance to show the world what a great guy you think you are. For me it could open pandoras box.
Imagine if I was to come on here throwing baseless accusations that someone funded ISIS with their teaching salary or that someone was a Tibetan separatist on their days off. You really did not engage brain before typing. I will so will not resort to slander.

You showed typical form for someone who couldn't manage criticism of the racial mantra. Respond not with debate but with finger pointing and "racist", "racism". Well done.

Was not the comment "Zimbabwean whites" and South african whites" not racist in your obligatory terms? How was branding all of those people racist not rasist in itself? As per normal the one slinging the muck is in the shit pile. Perhaps a bit of literal co structuon or reasoning wouldn't have gone a miss?

You seem to have aimed so far left that you've come round right.

A disgraceful comment, completely over egged your pudding there, you should be ashamed.

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