
For annoyed parents

Quester (233 posts) • 0

I have been one of those annoyed parents, i can sympathise. But what do you think is the motivation of those locals who comment about lack of sufficient clothes? Medically accurate or not, they sincerely believe the child could get sick, so what do they do? Maybe a Westerner would ignore the situation ("if they don't know how to care for their child, serves them right when the baby gets sick"). But the Chinese person speaks up with concern. Perhaps annoying, but quite sweet when you reflect about it.

goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

Yes, true... I'm sure it is all in good faith but it happens so often that it is something that runs through my mind every time I go out. It's annoying because I've also been told the opposite in the summer, that the baby is too hot... feel like I can't win. But whatever, if that's the worst part of my day than it's a good day.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

Just tell them that babies that wear socks won't grow as tall because it stifles feet growth :)

Quester (233 posts) • 0

The fact that many Chinese people 'fear getting cold' presumably remains from a time when there was less medicine available, and getting sick was potentially more serious. Perhaps a method could be to reassure a concerned local that you do not fear the cold, and on such a warm day there is no need to fear the cold!

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

I think most Chinese like to preach and teach but never like to learn. So, they are so persistant telling you what to do. They want to show you, how knowledgeable they are. And if you disagree they are all pouchy face or upset. Loss of face and such.

But again, doesn't bother me that much, seeing 小王子 and 小公主 leaking like a waterpipe, just makes me sad. lol

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

your advise is very good we ocassionally do that. Tell those parents some complete BS. If they wear socks their balls will shrink, or not wearing hats lets them learn English better.
Always helps.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Concerning the OP: I don't see why you find this so annoying - you don't have to agree with what people telling you about keeping your kid wrapped up or whatever - why not just roll with it, or discuss it with them if you want? Why is this minor annoyance worth discussing here at all?

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