
Criticizing China Here

mickeyh (119 posts) • 0

Just a friendly reminder that, when you got your visa, you were told (in person or in writing), that you may not "criticize China on the internet".

This 24/7 whinefest has degraded now into calling human beings pigs, barbarians, and garbage, and saying some very harsh, critical things about your host country.

You might not want to do that, because you could get this website and its owners in trouble, and you could get in trouble.

I am not saying you have to live in a fairyland, as Dudeson's says, but keep in mind that this level of harsh criticism is illegal for foreigners, especially on the internet.

And before you start accusing me of being someone I am not, and making personal attacks, please know that I am saying this as a favor.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

I'd add that, legal or not, making a rational and pointed criticism is very different from just throwing insulting words around.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

yeh so we should all go self sensor ourselves before micky reports us and remember the wumao are watching you

mickeyh (119 posts) • 0

I am not, nor would I, report anyone. I am just making a suggestion, especially for the owners of this site, who could indeed get in real trouble because of what some people post here.

No need to become angry or attack me. Ignore it if you prefer.

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

Also don't forget in this beautiful country of our hosts. You have the right of Freeh Speach. So why would such a great, all nice, only harmony, place....Not like the evil rotten, ever watching USA. No,no!...try to not let you say anything about it. Isn't that contradicting. Hm?

This place is so great the law is protected, by the law...huh??...what?....lol

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Agree with the 'stated' sentiments of this thread 100%. Two immediate steps I would take:
1. delete this thread
2. delete the mickyh account on grounds of gratuitous provocation.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0

Agree with above post. Delete.

Nothing and no-one should be sacrosanct as to avoid criticism.

When I got my visa it was not on the prerequisite understanding I wouldn't be able to have a moan.

mickeyh (119 posts) • 0

nnoble, I have not violated any forum rules, and in fact, others violate them much more egregiously.

Napoleon, I agree with you philosophically, but I am speaking in terms of getting people in trouble.

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

Wow, threatening other forum users with a visa censorship rule and calling it a favor. GoK should delete this thread just cause of the bad taste it leaves.

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