
Martial arts Kunming

Peter99 (1246 posts) • 0

Actually, you got lot of interesting suggestions on philosophy of martial arts in China - from Wu wei to Kungfu, and from Wushu to Neijia. Rest was up to you.

goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

Peter, interesting suggestions on philosophy? Maybe. But now 3 pages later and his questions are still not answered. The rest doesn't matter.

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

@fabshq: You asked and got about the best answers you can expect. It appears Krav-Maga is not popular in Kunming. So much for your first question.

The majority of posts seem to fit your second question. Bear in mind discussions of martial arts, 武术, tend to follow discussions on religion and politics; everybody has a favorite.

fabshq (17 posts) • 0

Michael 2015 answered to me providing useful informations;and thanks again to him.You didn't.Did you indicate me any places,address,phone numbers,people's names to contact or wechat groups?No,nothing at all.
Thanks to Goldie122 for understanding.I leave this postlluted kindergarten.

Peter99 (1246 posts) • 0

Goldie, like ive said before, as you are not among the brighter stars in the sky, you may even want to refrain from commenting.

See, ..the playwright was not over yet, first fabshq was given a small dose of "realization" and by now fabshq should have come to a certain amount of realization that there are a bunch of "local styles" (which he seemed quite unaware of in first post) and which got some deep roots, philosophies and essence, and then his role would have been to say "thanks" and focus his questions more specifically in this direction. Of course, we would have been keen to help.

But he quit.

fixitwithahammer (165 posts) • 0

It's always feels good, when help is appreciated. I didn't know that forum directions, are reserved by the original poster. Next time you could just write what exact answers, in font and form, you are expecting.

goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

@Peter99... You have no idea what he was or was not aware of. It is common knowledge that there are different styles everywhere. He, as likely most of us, are not interested in your play... he just wanted some questions answered.

Maybe you just need to continue to sit at home and hide behind your computer because you obviously are not very people oriented judging by your rude comment to me. But I don't take it personally as you are the source and judging by many of your previous incomprehensible posts, you are hardly one to judge about intelligence.

You can look up incomprehensible if you need to.

You should feel free to follow him and also quit.

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

I just stumbled over this thread, jeez! What a jerk [OP].

That' the OP question [with my 2 cents]

-Dear people
Any place in KMG to train in Krav-Maga(I heard there's kind of at Ring King?)-....You heard right!! Then why don't you give them a call, or go there to check it out?
I mean seriously, how to answer? Keeping your high answering standards?

e.g. I heard there is a Ring King? Yes!
Do they teach what I want? They did a year back! Now? Maybe!

Is that better, your excellency?

...Besides knowing what a PANCAKE is [I am a big fan] I studied martial arts for quite a few years, and I have no idea what that is, but I am sure that a provincial Chinese town, will provide his majesty with it. Or fly in, the best coaches, just for you.

-Any others local styles/places to recommand?
....Don't be a baby, do we have to spoon feed it to you? Which one of the,....I dunno,..... 8 different local martial arts, do you want recommendations for?

Do you also need recommendations for local variations and styles,...or are the almost 10 enough? ...Really? ...Should I drive you there too and buy you dinner, get you a massage on the way? Really?...You don't know how to breathe with your own nose?...Why don't I breathe for you?

Best regards
Wechat: Fabskwarn

If you write best regards, you should have the courtesy and regard people for what they are,...PEOPLE.

They might have not written your wet dream of a response but they still tried to help you. Sorry, that you are such a high nosed jerk to not know how to appreciate it.

Plus, there are a tripizillion martial art threads on gokunming, if you are too dumb to find them, you don't deserve a recommendation. You have problems with how people help you, then,-"Fleetwood Mac" the crap out of it,... you know? Fleetwood Mac? ....'Go your own way' and stuff?

All other posters, sorry I went off there, but I hate when people have to take crap, for helping, or trying to help others.

The only thing I really hope for is, that he will find a good place to study Martial Arts, so his sparring partner can kick his ass. lol

michael2015 (784 posts) • 0

You're welcome. Thanks for the alternative perspective on Krav - I'd only perused a few books on the subject. I was taught martial arts for health and exercise. The first rule of combat is avoid a direct confrontation, if possible - which is in alignment with SunZi et al. If you are forced to engage - be fast, precise, crippling if possible, deadly as the opportunity arises.

The art of surprise is critical in a forced confrontation - also derived from Sunzi et al.

So, depends on one's philosophy and purpose. Since you studied Krav - I assumed you were more interested in the self-defense aspects, with exercise being a secondary benefit.

FYI - All forms of Taiji (that I'm aware of in my very limited world) provide enhanced stance and ultimately balance bases - which will help you significantly in any other style. One way to verify your taiji instructor is an expert or master - check out his/her legs and thighs - they'll look like mini versions of an Arnold Schwarzenegger - hence the comment regarding the focus on stance and balance - both static and transitionary. One of my old buddies was (probably still is) a lifelong practitioner - but denied he was an expert - scrawny little guy - but his legs were like sprung steel. The drawback - he muttered something about finding pants that fit as his thighs were larger than most humans with his waist size, which may explain the loose fitting workout clothes.

Hope you find a great instructor and even more important - great students to commune with. Iron sharpens iron.

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