
May Holiday - 2016

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

May Holiday used to be a Golden Week a few years ago but now it is only 3 days long.

April 30 + May 1, 2 = (Sat, Sun, Mon).

Best advice for travel during these 3 days = stay home and avoid the madness.

The drive from Kunming to Dali will take 6-7 hours depending on how many accidents are on the road.

If you did not make reservations for Mo Ni Hei in Cang Yuan, Lincang or the Twins Festival in Mojiang, Puer it will be very difficult to visit these locations.






Haali (1178 posts) • 0

If it's just the weekend plus Monday that's hardly much of a holiday for people who normally have the weekend off anyway! At our work (where weekends are our busiest time) we're not getting Saturday off I believe, just Sun Mon Tues. I think the holiday also started on the 1st last year.

goldie122 (645 posts) • 0

So the holiday is only 3 days long. Does anyone know the schedule for kids in school, what days they are off?

zhudan (204 posts) • 0

I am so confused. Why would anybody make big elaborate plans because they have one extra day off that every other Chinese person in the country will be out "celebrating", taking a much needed a day off from QQing and gaming at the office.

Haali (1178 posts) • 0

@zhu if you finish work on Friday and start again on Wednesday, that's 4 full days off. Plenty of time to go somewhere if you want to.

Alexez (349 posts) • 0

anybody have been to 城子古村?
Apparently there is an entrance fee now ( 35kuai ), not sure about the prices of food and accommodation. Homestay if possible.
On some photos I can see crowds of Chinese tourists, which freaks me out. So I wonder if it is really that touristic ? Appreciate any info, thanks.

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