
Kindergarten recommendations

Prapancha (18 posts) • -1

With camouflage night vision binoculars from two klicks away?

Speak with teachers. No hong bao.

JanJal (1245 posts) • 0

So far I'm just thinking of the inevitable number one (or heaven forbid number two) accident, and whether I could somehow catapult change clothes for the kid there without having to go downstairs and over myself.

Prapancha (18 posts) • +1

I have to confess. I pooped in my pants back in kindergarten because I totally freaked out during a Thanksgiving costume party. That Native American Indian tribal breechcloth didn't suit me at all. If only the teacher had made me a pilgrim on that dreadful day.

The other kids were disgusted by the smell but were none the wiser. They just thought somebody farted. With stinky poo poo stashed in my underwear, I pretended to blow off the whiff as well.

My kindergarten teacher eventually called my parents. My mom rescued me. She took me home and washed me up reassuringly without reproach. Her loving gentleness was what I remembered most of that trauma. That stuck with me, no poo intended.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • -1

I thought it had traumatized you to become one of those persons with a fetish wearing 'adult diaper' and a bib. Ha.Ha.

Prapancha (18 posts) • -1

I may just have to wear adult diapers and a bib. If, unlike my late mum, lucky enough to make it to age of senility. Fetish with cleanliness. Neat freak.

Morals of story.

Shit happens. But those who love you the most will be there to clean up your mess. Until they're not. So appreciate while they're still around.

Also, kids recall the moments of extremes. So be a good parent with unconditional tolerance and love in such times.

JanJal (1245 posts) • -1

I'm sure that as foreigner living in China there is time and place for both bib and diapers for everyone, regardless of age.

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