
New English Visa

Peter99 (1246 posts) • 0

When you combine the mathematics of the environmental disaster, loss of old moral code with the urbanization, the culture and quality of fake, likely economical downspiral, likely growing unemployment, possible social unrest, a possible nationalism, maybe even more authoritanism, well, personally I aint buy a house now around any Western hills or wherever, nor apply for any 10 year visas. But thats a lot of possible, aint it. What number will the dice show anyway? Time will tell. Some of us have made a backup plan by now, some fools do not have the brains to see any dark clouds at all. Only nationalism alone, is enough of a threat to a laowai. Oh, now youve heard it vicar. Anyway, how about Kunming, are the signs about shops for rent still increasing? They were abundant just a few months ago.

Peter99 (1246 posts) • 0

Alien, do not forget to take your 90's Chomsky library with you if you go. Hehe.

vicar (817 posts) • 0

The economic downspiral? Yet another frightened and lost soul to be caught drifting aimlessly when the economic upward trend inevitably returns and we'll see just who have been the fools.

Peter99 (1246 posts) • 0

Lets see how it goes. Its a thriller. Its great to watch this thriller over a cold beer abroad, and btw, not in a bar that will be trashed, if a certain (to some analysts "a likely") escalation takes place in South China sea. :)

fishlips (9 posts) • 0

Hey Peter NumbNuts. Then make your own post about the coming apocalypse.
Take your downward spirals, old moral code and your dice and go sit in your cave somewhere with your backpack and water purification tablets. Only you obviously have the brains to be speaking about this subject in such a place in such a country. Sod off, you brainless twat.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Peter, thrillers are going on all over the planet, where is it you imagine you're going to find your safe bar? And where would YOU buy a 10-year visa to?

Peter99 (1246 posts) • 0

Alien, there was a poll about "best country for expats" - I think, I read it in some airplane magazine - and, well, it was Equador on first place. Heh. So how about Equador?

No, thats a joke. Some of us who belong to EU can buy a villa in Spain, Bulgaria or - how about - Greece for peanuts. I mean, at least theres no sign on the door when you drink the cafe au lait at the terasse.

Yea, fishlips, I admit I intruded Your precious little thread, and with offtopic disinformation. Sometimes you have to slip in some stuff on the neighbors little turf, its sort of, too sensitive to start own thread with. :)

vicar (817 posts) • 0

Yeah, which bars would be safe in a world war I wonder? Peter really hasn't thought this through adequately

vicar (817 posts) • 0

You think safely buying a villa in the times of strife you mention is going to be that simple and straight forward in the countries you mentioned? Best go home mate

fishlips (9 posts) • 0

Sure Peter. Its not my precious little thread. Trying to find out some info to organise my life. If no one has any pertinent information then please don't comment here. Start your own.
Those that know the stuff you're alluding to are already enlightened and prepared. Those that don't, have no idea or want to know. Cognitive dissonance. Get on with what you're doing and keep it to yourself. The reason you're talking here about it shows me you only have part of the story and want people to see how clever you are.
Not clever and irritating for me.

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