
Air quality and massive plant death in Kunming

vicar (817 posts) • 0

Basically that's what we've come up with so far. That and planting less bean to help cut down on flatulence

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Me, I've never planted a bean in my life, but all you bean-planters out there, take notice! Maybe we should boycott bean-eaters, or restaurants and shops that sell bean dishes?
The trees and plants in my xiaoqu seem to be pulling through, tho some of the bushes may not make it.

zhudan (204 posts) • 0

Around my area trees are just bobbed to the trunk. Is that really necessary? I took so long for them to grow out. I would imagine some selective, controlled trimming would be okay. Sad after all the energy they put into trees and greenery with watering them with firehouses and codon jing them off with concentration camp style barbed wire the trees bite it anyway. Yea, and I have been seeing the IV bags hanging on some, like some intensive care unit patient.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

'bobbing to the trunk' This might actually be pollarding, which is common for some species of tree. It is done to stop them getting too big up top. They do it a lot by roads to stop the trees crowding out taller vehicles like some trucks and buses.
Many of the trees in our area have lost the bark from most of the boughs of the tree. They will need pollarding as all the boughs will now die.

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

Climate change is happening but the few cold days in Kunming are not a sign of it. The spring city has spring weather all year around, which is not literally a spring, let's say spring like weather, @Liumingke, if you think that cold weather is not part of spring, then I invite you to come to central Europe, and enjoy the sub zero degrees in April or May. So unless you are not from Dubai or Kuwait, straight from the desert, keeping in mind that the desert at night gets close to sub zero, well we are in fact in a city of spring.

Now Kunming if I am not wrong has an elevation of 2000+ m and is in a mountainous area, and thus prone to extreme weathers and temperatures.

Another thing is that the cold wasn't that long consecutively but a lot of cold days changing with fair weather. So it may just be individual perception.

Now the most important part.
For all the dead trees, and vegetation, let's face it Kunming or most of Chinese are shitty gardeners and landscapers.

Most of the vegetation that kicked the bucket is not local. All the plants and flowers around our house is local or if not frost safe, survived and thriving in the new sun.
Also from my gardening experience, and seeing what they do to plants here, it's beyond stupidity. The plant here get drowned in water every second day, that goes for grass, trees, bushes and flowers.

Even when it was freezing outside they nimwits still drowned the plant in water. Grass is being watered at noon time in the sunshine [deadly] and then I see the 'gardeners' scratching their heads in stupor a few weeks later, wondering how the grass died. And then spraying another load of water on it just for good measure.

Most local Kunming or surrounding vegetation can handle the heat drought and cold in Kunming, and even some of the imported green friends, such as the eucalyptus tree, so if Kunming wouldn't waste so much money and water on importing and planting trees and flowers, from tropical or subtropical areas, such as Thailand or Xishaunbana, and not pumping them full of water, before cold periods, or soaking grass in water before putting it into the sun. They would actually would have a chance of survival.

From my 16 years back and forth in China, I cannot say that the weather has been surprisingly different. Sometimes more cold days, sometimes more dry periods.

But most of what we 'feel' about this place is crappy-a** management and extensive waste of water. But I have not seen a drought or a new ice-age coming to Kunming, so far everything is rather normal. And scientists also agree, that temperature fluctuations are normal, as we are close to a scheduled ice-age.

If we don't f-it up with our own little climate change production.

Cars are the least of the problem, their emissions are getting more insignificant annually, as the technology gets cleaner day by day, except Volkswagens...lol
At least concerning CO2 emissions.
But of course for your own health it would be good to get some exercise.

For saving the planet, flying is also not to bad if you put it relatively, the emissions vs. person [cargo] traveled, vs. distance per gallon, it is quite o.k. the problem is the emissions location, close to the weather producing elevation and the proximity of the atmosphere.

So the blame has to go to heavy industry, fossil fuel power plants, and ships, ships are the worst of all, and there are plenty of them. So next time when you drink your favorite imported lager, or your favourite imported cheese, keep in mind that for the trip it took, it had the same emissions of 500.000 cars /annually.

If you put SOx into the calculation then, a little over a dozen of the biggest container ships produce more SOx than all the cars on the planet.


The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

Long Dragon is correct about the trimming. Some trees, especially, if infested by parasites and fungus should be trimmed. Also some varieties grow back stronger branches, or a bushier canopy.

But I have my doubt that most of the blokes I see cutting the branches have the needed knowledge of trimming plants.

Most of them just seem to enjoy playing with power tools.

As I posted above, most gardeners here lack the basic green thumb to manage healthy growth of Kunming vegetation.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Dudeson: really interesting Wiki article.
So I guess buying imported articles that aren't necessary is not such a good idea. And the idea of luxury cruises.
I think it's worth considering all the confidence in Progress that came with the Industrial Revolution and then looking at the situation we're in today, and think a bit more carefully about Progress - who has long been in charge of it, what it means, what it doesn't mean, and what it might be, both technically and socially.
Logging industry: restricted in China for quite awhile now - profits from northern Myanmar for Chinese companies, across an international frontier, which somehow doesn't seem to stop the CO2 & so forth blowing back & forth across the border.
However, as for Yunnan, there were 4-5 consecutive years of drought since I've been here, and then this winter, clearly a weird one. As for the scheduled ice age, note the extremely high temperatures at the North Pole this year, which in some complicated way that climatologists and meteorologists explain, has, in tandem with one of them El Ninos, brought cold wet weather to Kunming.

vicar (817 posts) • 0

Only 0.04% CO2 in the atmosphere of which the vast majority is caused by water vapor, oceans, volcanoes and livestock. The fact it's called 'global warming' should make you question the whole thing. It's freezing! The hotter the sun in its cycle, the more CO2 it creates, too. Worrying about transportation is a waste of time, especially as dudeson says it's getting cleaner

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

I hasn't been called global warming for years. Except by the merchants of doubt ( Merchants of Doubt is a great movie to watch btw).

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