I am searching for an internship with an NGO in Kunming. Can anyone tell me any NGOs that I could look up in Kunming/provide website links?
I am searching for an internship with an NGO in Kunming. Can anyone tell me any NGOs that I could look up in Kunming/provide website links?
I hope this can help you find the opportunity to the internship in yunnan .there many resources in these website. :)
GoKunming used to have a list of NGOs on this site, but we did a bit of reordering, and it got removed. reinstating it languished on a to-do list for a while. until today.
I have two-year working exprerience,i was the english teacher and then changed my job to be the assistant of manager that was in charge of foreign business in a company.I am looking for a full time job at an NGO in Kunming, Would anyone works in NGO or knows information about vancancies in NGO pls tell me. Thanks a lot.
There are others in addition to the ones listed on the new GoKunming site that Matthew mentioned, including:
World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Yunnan EcoNetwork (YEN): www.yen.ngo.cn
(This NGO is quite small. The director is very friendly and welcomes international collaborators/interns. The director splits his time between an office in Kunming and his village environmental education school in Lijiang. He likes visitors and especially help editing grant proposals and teaching English at the Lijiang village school.
Yeah, WWF has an office here. You can probably pull the info for a description out of the interview with the WWF Kunming director that Chris ran last week.