
Sightseeing in Kunming

koschka (8 posts) • 0

Hello, I'm just for a couple of weeks in Kunming. What would you recommend me, as a western tourist, defenetly to see in Kunming? It should be good reachable by metro or bus. Thanks!

jane323 (3 posts) • 0

hi, we are a trip advising company in Kunming, we can help to orgnize trips for personel or company travellers including intinerary, hotel, transportation and etc.in Kunming .The service we are providing is different from travel agency. At this season it is recommend to see the seagulls at greenlake or Dianchi dam...if you need my help,please do nothesitate to contact me at jane323@aliyun.com or 0086 13888516816, wechat 13888516816.

zhudan (204 posts) • 0

@koschka I would avoid these aggressive travel agencies ( or the euphemistically labeled trip,advising companies, the same thing) like the one above. Kunming is not that big really and you already seem willing to figure out buses and subways. If you use an agency the odds are you will be seeing lots of jade stores and agency endorsed restaurants with low quality food where they rake in their commissions. They are out to make big bucks out you, so beware. My recommendation? Not much. This place is boring.

Peter99 (1246 posts) • 0

There was a time, when each time you strolled down Beijing Lu, you could have made a good documentary film about it.

Now this applies only to a few cities, Calcutta is one of them. Rangoon too. Yogyakarta for sure. Bangkok no more. Kunming no more. Well, and so on, this is a matter of taste too.

But no use to cry over spilled milk. When some cities modernize they tend to reduce human fate and destiny too. And sometimes roots of tradition and civilization.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0

It's fair to say Kunming is pretty boring.
Why anyone would want a travel agent to show them green lake I have no idea, a lake in the city centre, that was a recommendation by a travel agent, to show you seagulls.

Heavens above.

I can only recommend that you travel around Yunnan a bit rather than stay in Kunming, otherwise it'll be a pretty monotonous month for you.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Cuihu, Bamboo Temple, Xishan are interesting if you haven't been here before, and there are some interesting things in the Yunnan Provincial Museum. Obviously there are local street market areas as in much of the world, which are interesting, at least if you are not used to them - find address/location of DT Bar from map on gokunming - large area from there to the southwest.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0


Yes, but she did say she's a western tourist, so I thought she probably wont be too impressed by a seagull, may even have seen one or two before.

Who knows, perhaps she's lead a very sheltered life. Perhaps she'll be awestruck, buy some stale bread and stand there all day getting covered in birdmuck and making woooing sounds while throwing food to these 'amazing spectacles'.

My money is on she arrives at green lake and doesn't see what all the fuss is about.

I'm not saying don't go, she'll probably have to. There's not that much on in Kunming. I'm saying it's not that good and certainly not worth taking a guide to.

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