
slow net?

Toshi (28 posts) • 0

I've had the 2mbit 108rmb/month China telecom DSL plan for two weeks, and websites are rarely slow besides absolute peak times.

However, the last few days my websites are loading really slow all the time, even at 3am!

Strangely, my torrents can download at full speed (up to 200kb/s).

Any ideas as to what is wrong? Is this happening to anybody else right now? It appears to mainly affect international sites. Happens on both my laptops and it both IE and Mozilla.


aandt (32 posts) • 0

same here... I have the 4M China Telecom ADSL line. The connection the last few days has slowed to a crawl, especially on international sites. Not sure what is going on.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

China just finished celebrating the 50th anniversary of liberating Tibet. Perhaps the firewall is working over-drive to make sure everything in the matix is alright.

Dr Doom (14 posts) • 0

Generally if you are hitting foreign sites, they run hot and cold as far as speed. If you do an IP trace, everything gets routed through Beijing before it goes out. There is the network bottleneck. I have the best luck loading foreign sites early in the morning (6-8 AM), but generally it slows through the day. But one thing is sure, it is alot faster than it was a few years ago. Your torrents and P2P stuff is mostly in China anyway, so it seems to run pretty quick.

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