Lot of good information on upcoming things that I have no experience on guys, thx. Obviously I will want to play a major role in helping his early education like my mother did with me as a young child. I think that is one of the major impacts you can have as a parent!
As I thought just the early exposure would be enough for small talk but like some say once a child reaches a certain age teaching will become key to fluency.
@voltaire I will look into that book today, thx for recommending :)
Online hearsay is not always just that though, sometimes personal experience comes through.
@voltaire managed to get a used copy of the book online for a couple of pound. So if it turns out a bit over the top for me it won't be to wasted money wise.
Best give my reading glasses a dust :)
They will learn fluent, native Chinese at school. The best thing you can do is to speak only English at home. They will pick it up natively too.
My husband is Canadian, and I am Chinese. We both speak English to our children and we communicate in English. Our Children are bilingual. Chinese is not a problem for your children if there's someone who speak Chinese to them in your family. Children are like sponge, they absorb everything. Between 0 to 3 years old, they are at their unconscious absorbent Mind stage, so it's the best time for them to learn language.