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Moderator (46 posts) • 0

While the effort is appreciated, please do no attempt to police the forums and 'point out' who you think is or is not a recurring troll. It is counterproductive becuase it feeds the very people you want removed. It also helps set nearly every possible forum in the wrong direction, making them useless for people with actual questions or those interested in having a conversation not filled with anger and recriminations. Contact us directly through the contact form if you have concerns. We will remove posts concerned only with 'outing' trolls, as well as the trolls themselves.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Who cares, anyway? Statements, information and arguments either make sense or they don't, & are or are not relevant, regardless of who writes them or why. It's contributors who obsess about each other, usually negatively, that make a mess out of all the threads. I suggest the thread GoKM Saying & Doing for all those who want to pursue this form of entertainment, which may indeed appeal to the younger, or 'younger at heart', members of the community.

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