
A word about the woman beating thread.

SarahB (50 posts) • 0

I am pretty new to Kunming. I have one minor, and one major, problem with these forums. I was told that this website is the "go to" place for expats, but now I am not sure.

1. It seems like this place is "controlled" by a small group of angry men. Lots of their posts do nothing but badmouth China, and whine like babies about every little thing. Well you know what? I LIKE Kunming. People here are being really nice to me, and I have a great job, and I think it is a beautiful city. I with the whiners would shut the hell up.

2. As a former victim of domestic violence (I almost died from my last beating before I left the jerk), I find the "jokes" about beating women to not only be in poor taste, but to actually be cruel and actively offensive. The men (yes, I know it is men) making them should be ashamed of themselves. It is not a joking matter, and you are making yourself look like bigoted old fools.

Moderator (46 posts) • 0

Thank you SarahB for sharing. We agree with you as well. For now, this thread and others referring to the very unfortunate posts in the other will be locked. Further violations of our website from certain users will result in deletion and/or banning.

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