
Is there anything the Chinese won't copy

redjon77 (510 posts) • 0

Of course being an American you'd say the policy your country has taken up in the modern world is the correct one and has learnt from it's predecessors.

While the rest of the world would probably have a very different view on that lol

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

He's just pulling our chains. Wants to see who bites. Ha.Ha. What a loser!

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0


Bloody hell. That's rich coming from an American. The British took part in slavery, but then worked against it. I don't immediately think of British as polluters either, although Britain is a bit grubby.

Coming from a former colony. When the British had it, there was hospitals, medical care, roads built, infrastructure, education, and law. Since UDI we've seen war, starvation, diseases, marshal law and a restriction in civil liberties, not an improvement.

Now, I'm sure this is a pretty extreme case, but similar has happened in many of the former colonies since independence.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0


As you've seen, I'm a fan of the British. However the education system in Britain has been broken for a long time.

There are government initiatives in the south of England where Chinese teachers are being brought into struggling schools and making them a success. The BBC are pioneering a program about it (Although I have yet to see it, so don't know if it supports or goes against my argument)

Anyway, it may be safe to say China's education is on the up. Britain's (private non-tertiary at least) is stuck in a mire.

redjon77 (510 posts) • 0

@Napoleon Yeah the teachers they used from China with there different teaching policies improved the students results, plus gave them bonus extra things like fitness drills that the students would do every day. My (chinese) wife loved watching it and kept on mentioning it to me while watching lol

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

On the OP: Nouveaux riches copy, many Chinese are new rich, so what's new, or even Chinese, about it, other than the fundamental absurdity and shallowness of the consumerist keep-up-with-the-joneses mentality? Supply & demand under the aegis of worldwide ideological indoctrination.

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

@Alien: What does this mean: "Supply & demand under the aegis of worldwide ideological indoctrination." ???

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