
Is there anything the Chinese won't copy

Peter99 (1246 posts) • 0

There was quite a good news story recently. A University librarian at Guangzhou Arts Academy, replaced the valuable paintings in the museum with his own fakes. In order to do business with the originals. Meanwhile he realized his fakes were continuously being replaced by more fakes. Heh! And who knows, maybe the stuff he sold as real, were already faked down through several generations.

There is something gullible in all this faking afterall. Maybe. :)


The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

Is there anything Chinese won't copy?

-problem solving

...just joking...I know a lot of people who apply those.

Btw. those are Chinese virtues, according to Confucius, [some in different wording].

That is awesome, what a funny story. Somewhat cute story.

Captain America (10 posts) • 0

Yes, the Chinese copy our superior American things. More than that though, the entire WORLD copies us! We all know that America is the greatest country in the history of the planet, which is why all other countries try to come here, and all humans try to be like us.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

@Captain America
Let's not be full of ourselves.

Many other countries are known for their high standards in innovations. Germany, Swiss, Japan, S. Korea and many other countries.

Captain America (10 posts) • 0

Damn right, yankee00! They should do everything like we do in America! WE Americans get to define etiquette, not them filthy Chinese! Right on, American brother!

Captain America (10 posts) • 0

Liumingke1234, sorry, but America is the best at everything.

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