
Is there anything the Chinese won't copy

marcuschen (178 posts) • 0

Sure, here's one thing Chinese won't copy: bombing brown people in countries around the world.

redjon77 (510 posts) • 0

A 'DECENT' steak dinner!

@marcuschen Why? Because China is so fond of there 'brown' and 'black' friends????

Sorry for any labeling....

mike4g_air (788 posts) • 0

China's corruption and fakery is now worldwide knowledge. It's blowing up in China's face as we speak.
Nobody will want to do business with China in the future, not even the Chinese.
The tide has turned for China, it's on the way down.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0

It's filling gaps in the market.

People want an LV bag but can't afford one, so buy the Chinese equivilant that looks the same.

People want a Rolex to impress their friends, the whole reason their friends are impressed as they can't afford a Rolex and neither can our man, so he buys a fake.

No one is cheating anyone bar Mr Vuitton and Mr Rolex and it's not hittting them in the pocket as I would bet no one is buying a fake for the price of a real one. The people buying fakes are doing so as they would never dream of spending 1000 quid on a handbag.

Go to any major European city and you'll find people flogging fakes by the bucketload. It's becoming more and more popular, not less and less common, so I'll say the trade has legs in it yet.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0

It's filling gaps in the market.

People want an LV bag but can't afford one, so buy the Chinese equivilant that looks the same.

People want a Rolex to impress their friends, the whole reason their friends are impressed as they can't afford a Rolex and neither can our man, so he buys a fake.

No one is cheating anyone bar Mr Vuitton and Mr Rolex and it's not hittting them in the pocket as I would bet no one is buying a fake for the price of a real one. The people buying fakes are doing so as they would never dream of spending 1000 quid on a handbag.

Go to any major European city and you'll find people flogging fakes by the bucketload. It's becoming more and more popular, not less and less common, so I'll say the trade has legs in it yet especially as it's just beginning to get hold in Africa with all the fake phones.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

You are talking about things they copy that are not harmful but what about medicine, milk, eggs, foodstuffs? What about substandard electronics imitations that causes fire? If you buy something and know it's fake and still purchase it, that's on you. However, many people buy things and think it's the real thing.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0


Yes, totally agree.
If you are buying something like I mentioned then congrats to the little boss who saw a gap in the market.
If it's something like you said and people are being sold it unknowingly so that some little Zhejiang twot can bag an extra few pence to stick in his pocket at the expense of people in need then sod him and his goods.

I was referring to in the article. No one in their right mind is going to call up Goldman Sachs (Shenzhen) and demand to speak to Mr Sachs for an order of Rolls Royce shares and Swiss gilts. Those people that do use Goldman and Sachs (Shenzhen) probably would'nt even get into the New York office to buy $60 worth of Daz washing power shares, so let Shenzhen deal with them.

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