
1 Yuan Bill - Interesting!

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

We are not alone. There's many questions whether we went to the moon. There was a lot of pressure from the Russian at the time. Actually I believe if we did go there we found out we weren't alone. Why haven't we been back? They ( said stay out. Despite us having advanced camera technology, ever notice how the pictures are always fuzzy? Hell we have HD camera that can take better videos and pictures of the moon than NASA (being sarcastic here). Anyway, I don't know what this have to do with the "1 yuan bill -interesting!" thread. I though I would join the staying off topic theme here. Ha.Ha.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Russia and China said, You win, we give up. We won't even try 20,30,40 45 years later. No conspiracy here.

marcuschen (178 posts) • 0

HFCAMPO they use thrusters to get off moon. There is a laser mirror on moon that humans put there, you can reflect laser off it even today. Yes, humans went to moon.

I see Geezer who don't evn live in China, drove yet another person off this site with his Geezer hatred, anger, attacks. Why don't mods bam him? He keeps making everyone leave!

debaser (647 posts) • 0

@marcuschen, welcome back. Please note that Geezer has made a great deal of worthwhile post, offered some helpful advice and provided a considerable amount of entertainment both as a PRC resident as well as while abroad. As a newbie I wouldn't expect you to understand but please try to be more tolerant of others as per the GoKM forum rules/guidelines.

As for the Y1 notes, there's one convenience store I know of where they're regularly given as change.

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

@laotou makes a point about Wen Ho Lee. In my opinion, Wen is an American who was victimized by the US government.

Accused of spying for China, Wen was held for 278 days in solitary confinement without trial or being convicted before pleading guilty to but one felony count out of the original 59 crimes he was charged with. He did plead guilty to mishandling classified documents. The government could not prove any of the spying charges.

Note: Hillary Clinton is currently under investigation for similar misbehavior that Wen pleaded guilty to.

Other incidents of US government committing violent acts against American citizen are notable over the last 25 years are the Ruby Ridge and Waco siege incidents. Together, these resulted in the deaths of 84 American citizens at the hands of what can only be described as overzealous Federal law enforcement officials.

The US is not perfect. These three cases alone are testament to the tyranny of government, not just the US government, but all governments.

My bitch is that weaving fact and nutty conspiracy theories into misleading, and misguided, statements posed as fact is a blatant disregard for the truth. The US has plenty of dirty linen to drag out and rant about. There is no need to fabricate untruths based on opinions and perceptions unsupported by fact.

@laotou, I sincerely hope you do not abandon GoK. You do provide helpful information in these forums. I respect that you have opinions, some of which I agree with, for I also love the USA.

Napoleon (1187 posts) • 0

Several times people have tried to steer this thread back on track, but it seems there's no getting through to Americans.

Yes I once had a note like that, but hey what about when us Americans invaded Iraq.

Yes I know a good Italian restaurant in that part of the city, let me tell you the address right after I have told you about the tax rules in the state of Alabama for the year 1974.

Yes, I'd like to see that exibit at the Kunming museum, do you know what the weather is like in Tennessee today?, no? well let me tell you...

I know about that airport bus ..... USA! USA! USA! Wooooooo! Yehaah Yeehaah!! Gun law!! Gun law!!, Obama Obama!!

Can you bang another drum now please.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

I've tried to right this sinking ship. Some people just can't stay on topic no matter what the thread title is. Ha.Ha.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

God Bless the USA!!! - Lee Greenwood

I'm proud to be an American where at least I know Im free.

If I had to start again with just my children and my wife Id like to do it in Nazi Germany in 1939 where it is safer than the USA!

And I wont forget the men who were killed by IRS agents for not paying taxes.

And Id gladly stand up next to you for morning count every day in prison.

And I promise to vaccinate all my children because I dont want to go to prison.

And I will dutifully pay all my taxes so the US can bring democracy to more 3rd world countries.

And I will watch TV every day so the govt owned media can brainwash me and tell me how to think.

And if a SWAT team mistakingly invades my home I will forgive them because they are only doing their jobs.

And I will allow my children to forfeit an education so more of my tax dollars can go to military spending.

And I will drive my old car on old infrastructure that is falling apart so more money can go to the banksters so they can all get a raise and bigger retirement bonuses (QE99).

And I will allow the govt to keep raising the retirement age so that I will die of cancer before I can get social security.

And I am proud of the American Dollar that has devalued to about 3 cents because of inflation and low wages.

And I want to live in a country where it is now illegal to feed the homeless.

And I promise to buy the new Iphone as soon as it comes out on the market.

If you can't beat em, Join em!

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

All good points and sadly very true. So disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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