
Foul tasting condiment

Crheine (17 posts) • 0

I have come across some strange tasting condiment twice. Once on tofu In a thin clear liquid and another on potatoes that's been fried, both street food. I don't even really know how to describe it. It looked like minced green onion or bamboo but a salty sour fishy pungent flavor that Immediately turns me off. Any idea what this is in English? Is it a common ingredient here?

Peter99 (1246 posts) • 0

This one right?


Maybe no English translation for it better than "fishgrass" - and yes, it litterally destroys everything it touches or comes near. You need a very cultivated taste to like this "herb", maybe the meiguo dude who trolled around would be able find some delicate qualities in it - "better than Western parsely" or something like that. ;)

Recently reports how they use bleach and whatever else to make it more white and thick - sure it makes the taste even more delicate!

Crheine (17 posts) • 0

Yeah that's it. Wow it's terrible. I just moved here from guangzhou and this is the first time I've seen it. What else should I worry about finding it on? Have you or anyone you know enjoy it?

Peter99 (1246 posts) • 0

If you get friends from abroad order it with the thousand years eggs, its a common dish in Yunnan to make the thousand years old eggs with this fishgrass. If the frieds dont like coriander its even better, as the dish is also poured over with coriander.


marcuschen (178 posts) • 0

Here it called 折耳根. Not all Chinese like it either. I like it when pickled.

Crheine (17 posts) • 0

My friend in sichuan just told me 折耳根 they have that there and the flavor is mild and can eat it like a salad. Can't be the same as this thing I ate. I'll eat almost anything. I draw the line there.

Crheine (17 posts) • 0

My friend in sichuan just told me 折耳根 they have that there and the flavor is mild and can eat it like a salad. Can't be the same as this thing I ate. I'll eat almost anything. I draw the line there.

marcuschen (178 posts) • 0

Crheine yes it is 折耳根 and you can eat it like salad. I think the fish-like taste is what some people don't like.

Crheine (17 posts) • 0

Is it possible the condiment is fermented or strengthened when you get it on street food,? I can't imagine someone eating a salad full of that.

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