
Would you accept 150RMB/hour ?

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

So if I teach/tutor my wife or her brother or my friends English that's illegal? BS. I don't buy it.

SpartansSpartans (184 posts) • 0

I'm back, hope I'm not gonna get deported for pissing

@The Dudeson: I don't this it's that difficult to prove, just get a student's notebook page (with the teacher's handwriting of corrected homework) and photos of the student coming in and out of the house on different days.

The point is, with all those diandong che (e-bike) thieves shooting back at the police and wrotten meat and tainted food, do they really give a damn?

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

So if I teach/tutor my wife or her brother or my friends English that's illegal? BS. I don't buy it.

SpartansSpartans (184 posts) • 0

Well, I think people are more likely to get in trouble for having a VPN than for "helping" or tutoring others.
Specially after a group of foreigners was deported for watching a Ghengis Khan movie in a hotel. Still didn't understand what the hell is wrong with the mongolians having invaded China that they find subversive.

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

technically,... yes!
I am just stating what I learned, in the years, trying to figure out the regulations, about teaching.

Don't kill the messenger.

I don't remember the exact wording. But it goes something like that:
"All work and services provided, which under normal terms would fall under the category of work, paid or unpaid, can only be done, when working for a service provider, with legal documentation and the employee having all work and residence permits.
...again, that is not the exact wording!

I will be busy soon, but I will see, if nobody found it before I am back, I'll try find the passage again, when I am back.

It is not that weird, though. Germany has similar regulations and laws, but that said....Germans are very very weird, ...so, it may still be weird!

I am sure for family members, it won't apply. Most of the stuff, the official wording of what work is, you can find online. There is surprisingly much in English from the official site.

Hm, now that is a tricky questions.....Let's see, where are you right now? and what kind of visa do you have?...lol

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

Totally, I was talking about the definition of work. I totally agree, I don't think anyone will be S.W.A.T.-ting, through your window, to finding out, if there is a friend or student, learning English, stuffing their face with cookies and milk.

Plus then comes the other part proving on your side and the state attorney, if you received payments or other gifts, for the service. And I doubt unless you are a high value target, that they will even care for the free or 150RMB/h classes.

'Coz, even the Chinese government doesn't think 150RMB is a lot of hourly payment.

.......BOOOOM [bang on the desk]! SLAM [ indicate a dunk-in- movement]!

IN YOUR FACE [hand movement indicating soiling ones face]

...-150 RMB salary, -getting back on topic- joke! [now spoken really quickly] Proving a not funded but reasonable and polarizing point-,...that even the government, in the recognition, of financial crisis, rising prices, devaluing RMB face value, inflation, ....-would not come after illegally working teachers, for as little as 150RMB tuition fees-joke!!!!!

...sorry about that, but I already miss 'The Daily Show'!...aaaaarrrggh

Alexez (349 posts) • 0

just an update to this topic.
Job offers show up on wechat groups 100RMB/h native speakers only. Jobs are usually taken within few minutes. So...can change this 150 rate to 100 joke now :-)

..and it will go down and down :-)

alienew (422 posts) • 0

Overall it's been going up for years. Given the local economy & the global economy and local needs and differential access to resources everywhere, how much should it be? This is not a smartass implied criticism - I don't know the answer - but a real question for discussion.

SpartansSpartans (184 posts) • 0

The funny thing is while salaries have been going down, grocery items such as rice meat and vegetables and fruits have been on their way up, and are much higher than a couple of years back.

SpartansSpartans (184 posts) • 0

Not to mention rent, I just had to pay a 1600RMB

building administration fee in advance for

next year, and I live in a crappy building.

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