
Healthcare questions thread

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Given where we are and the nature of the advice on offer, Campo's caution and questioning appears to be commonsense. Particularly given the, less than transparent replies. It doesn't stop anyone from taking the guy at face value.

steve2014 (33 posts) • 0

what i want to say, not easy to live abroad, whatever you are Chinese in US, or Americans in China. Even your are white, can you guys get any priority in China?

No any problem to live in your foreigners circle, but sometimes you really need jump out of this circle.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Thanks Yankee - The guy probably just wants to have White people around him to make Chinese clients believe it's a quality business, hence him referring to people from Western countries in his first post and several attempts at making partnerships with foreigners by suggesting different types of business ideas in other posts.

Now that I read his posts I see that he is all over the place and he is just fishing.

Business - www.gokunming.com/[...]

Wechat - www.gokunming.com/en/forums/thread/11281/wechat_group

Beer - www.gokunming.com/[...]

English Corner - www.gokunming.com/en/forums/thread/11574/english_corner

Interpreter - www.gokunming.com/[...]

steve2014 (33 posts) • 0

Tell a story, many years a ago, when I just got in a western country, a white couple helped me a lot. I doubted them at the beginning, and some Chinese people asked me to get away from them, because the couple only want Chinese to learn Bible and become Christian, then if you biptised, then then will go to heaven after dying. I hesitated, but later found they have no "bad intertion", just like spreading their religious ideas to Chinese....

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@Campo: okay, so the guy has business interests, good to know that (interesting search you did) and would be good to know precisely what they are, but that doesn't disqualify what he's trying to do, and nobody has to take his advice. I don't think it's necessary to become aggressive towards him.

steve2014 (33 posts) • 0

@Alien, I searched Campo's post, most of those were aggressive. When I was a boy, I was like him.

But if he is adult and always aggressive, he will have the risk of cardiovascular disease, no kidding.

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