
Healthcare questions thread

steve2014 (33 posts) • 0

Chinese healthcare system is totally different from many other western countries, also the medical insurance. When I just got in US, i was confused on how to see a doctor. I believe, you guys, as foreigners, may have the same feeing in China as I was in US when you want to see a doctor. I am working in a big international hospital, Kunming. If you have any healthcare questions, please leave on this thread or shot me a private message, I would love to help if possible.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Why don't you tell us something about yourself. Where are you from and what do you do in the hospital? Which hospital exactly do you work at? Where?

forlorn (68 posts) • 0

The Chinese healthcare system is very good compared to most countries. The doctors here see so many patients, that they are true experts in their fields.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

@forlorn You make the same mistake as, supposedly, quality non-Chinese newspapers from places like the USA and UK, in that you make a judgement and apply it to the entire, vast country that is China. How much of the Chinese healthcare system have you seen, let alone experienced?

steve2014 (33 posts) • 0

Chinese medical resources are not evenly distributed into every hospital, so top hospitals have more experinced doctors, and community hospitals have few. This is the reason I set up this thread to help foreigners if you are not familiar to the docs and hospitals in Kunming.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Steve, where can I go to get a benign tumor bump cut off my head? Guy I saw at the cancer hospital, the one you see first if you've got a head bump, looked at it for a minute, said a lot of western foreigners get them probably a result of the fact that westerners like to expose themselves to sunshine (? I have plenty of hair, and this is not skin cancer), that it was benign, and that it could be dealt with at virtually any hospital, he was decidedly uninterested in doing it himself but I might just leave it alone & come back in 3 months. It would obviously be a simple operation, but letting it grow some more first makes no sense to me. My impression was simply that he didn't want to deal with a foreigner. This took less than 10 minutes.
Our conversation was entirely in Chinese and we had no communication problems.

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

Kunming Medical University 2nd affiliated hospital are experts in plastic surgery. This is essentially what you want, Alien, so go see them, they did a really good job on me.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

OK - wouldn't require plastic surgery - I'm familiar with that hospital but I didn't know they had a plastic surgery department there, though they've got a good dermatology dept. - anyway, thanks, I think that's what I'll do.

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