
German lessons in KM

Lightning (15 posts) • 0

My wife's nephew is hell bent on studying in Germany.
Of course a rudimentary knowledge of the German language would be required.
Are there any German language lessons available in KM or is there a German speaker who would be interested ?

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

It might be worth asking this obvious question. Is because he has seen that Germany does not have tuition fees? If that is the case then neither does the Netherlands, and many courses in the Netherlands are run in English.

Lightning (15 posts) • 0

Thanks tigertiger but finances don't come into it, it's purely his wish to enter into technical courses in Germany, which I would imagine that the German language would be used.
All Google checks show this.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

For a technical course, in a world class technical institution, I am guessing that he will need more than a rudimentary knowledge of the language.
Finding a teacher is a great idea, but at some point he will have to consider all options.

I don't know any Germans in Kunming, but I guess that there will be some with a knowledge of teaching. I wish you and him success in finding a teacher.

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

I'm sure the tuition in Germany is done in English, otherwise your relative may give up hope right away. It will take at least a year of intensive studying for a Chinese to learn German to the level where they can attend a university class.

So, hoping that tuition will be in English, some 3 months of basics should suffice to just get around Germany, buy bread and order beer etc.

Lightning (15 posts) • 0

I have had one PM to this subject which I have tried to respond to but failed. However thank you for the PM, very helpful

Dervvish (5 posts) • 0

Hello Lightning,

I can help you with German lessons - I am a multilingual international tour guide/translator and teacher of foreign languages and German is like my mother tongue to me since I lived there as a child until I was 15 years old. I'll be in Kunming on 3rd or 4 th of July and then we can meet to discuss details. Wechat: Dervvish

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