
what would U do if U can't afford the credit card

Zhang Lijuan (23 posts) • 0

what would you do if you owe the credit card? asking your family help you, or do part time job to repay by yourself?

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

Pay the card off anyway you can. You must make the minimum payments, or else the interest charges will make the debt grow out of control.
If you can ask your family to help you pay the debt, to stop the interest building up. And then get a part time, or full time, job to pay back your family.
If you try to avoid the problem it will grow and come back to haunt you, maybe even eat you up.
I would also look on Chinese web forums that specialise in credit card debt. I am almost certain that they exist.

Some companies promise to help you manage your debt. They will make the problem worse. You won't owe the bank, but you will owe the company that helped you. They are not your friends and they will squeeze you until it hurts, and squeeze some more. Interest rates may be quoted weekly, but can work out to be 1000s of % per year.

I am sure you are not the only person with such a problem. I am sure that there is a lot of bad credit card debt.

Final comment. Learn from this experience. Learn the meaning of money, where it comes from. More importantly, where it can go and how quickly it can go, of you don't have a plan/budget.

Veronica Chiu (9 posts) • 0

Agree with @tigertiger, the first and the second par.
你可以哒,加油加油 :) 看好你哟

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

cc is new to china, well mass distribution is any way. expect lots of bad debt. same thing happened to young people in the west when cc first made available to almost anyone. young people had no experrience with cc and got into trouble. happily in china people can turn to family for help. in many families in the west kids could not turn to for that kind of help. parents did not have th emoney. debs of 50000 pounds were not unusual back in mid 1980s. at todays rates that would be much more.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Step 1 - STOP using the card any more.

The main purpose of a credit card is to get you into debt through impulse buying. Most people are usually bored and use shopping as a means to kill time, in time this becomes an addiction.

As stated above, get rid of the credit card and never get another. If you do not have the cash then you can not have the item you are purchasing. Self Control.

Ask yourself, what did you get for the credit card debt you now have, most probably the answer is Nothing.

If you tried to sell the things you purchased with a credit card I am sure you could not get 100 Yuan for all of it. Worst thing you can do is eat your credit card - in other words, never buy food items with a Credit card.

For most women, they usually buy clothing and other trinkets.

Zhang Lijuan (23 posts) • 0

thank you very much! i really appreciate all of your advise, but that would be wondeful if i have post this kind of problem before!

i have pay off one card with 22000rmb and canceled it, but there are two credit card left (the one with 19000rmb and the other with 12000rmb ), and the worse problem is i have MAXED OUT!!!

My salary now is 3000rmb/month, i reallised that it is far not enough even i spend two years to pay off.

the way to pay off ASAP i can come up with is improve my salary up to 4000rmb/month, which means i have to find a part time jpb with salary 1000 at least.

this suffering reminds me the novle named Necklace

A12345 (102 posts) • 0


With a salary of 3000 rmb and living in a shared apartment, cooking at home, I could pay this off in 31000/2000=15 months.

4000 rmb salary gives 10 months.

Add a few months if you don't think you can be so frugal, but not so much that the interest becomes an issue. I'd try to pay off the credit card with a lower interest bank loan.

It's not really that big of an issue.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

With interest payments it may take longer. Swallow your pride, lose some face and speak to your family. But make sure you pay them back as quicly as possible. Two years is not a long time, and not spending most of what you earn is a good habit. If you pay off the debt and when you have finished start saving the same amount you will soon be able to save for more important things.
There are people in Kunming paying rent and raising a family on 3000/month.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

Credit card companies are bloodsuckers. They know most people can not live within their means. It is better to use a 'debit card' since it's your own money. When it's your own money, you tend to be more careful of how you spend it. Also, you can't spend what you don't have in your account. Credit cards companies 'hook' you with the 'spend now and pay later'. Women especially can't resist buying that new pair of shoes to match that dress. Impulse buying is what they count on. My advise is to destroy your credit cards. They're 'evil'!!!

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