
DropBox or alternatives

MandM (6 posts) • 0

I am looking for a way of not carrying around my computer.
I have searched and found a couple of threads, but these discuss commercial systems. I am only thinking of MSOffice files and some video clips, and photos.
I have been told that Dropbox does not perform well in Kunming.

I am looking for advice/comments about DropBox or any alternative methods of doing this. Preferably free ones ;-)
Does anyone have experience with Baidu Cloud?

Xiefei (539 posts) • 0

I use Baidu Cloud. It's pretty fast on a local connection, and gives you a decent amount of space.

But I only use it via browser, because Baidu's software tends to be a bit abusive in terms of privacy and access to your computer. So I don't know how good it as at syncing and the like.

Dropbox works fine if you have a vee pee enn, but that's not really going to help if you're planning to access it in Chinese net cafes.

AlPage48 (1394 posts) • 0

When I travel I usually just bring files I need on a flash drive. That eliminates the need to access anything on the web - just need access to a local computer which I can usually get at the business center of the hotels where I stay.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

yeh but then wasnt dropbox invented by a dude who kept forgeting his flash drive, like a lot of us.

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