
Return air ticket required for L-visa?

Hotwater (205 posts) • 0

I've just read this whole topic again. Seems like Flyingeggplant has come to China twice before on tourist visas with one-way tickets and both times converted to a Z visa after coming here....

The last time in 2009!

Visa rules have changed a LOT in that time last time in mid-2013 when things were tightened up a lot.

So as others have stated, you'll most likely have to show a ticket to leave china AND you can't concert your tourist visa to a Z visa once you're here. If you're planning to teAch English here then find a job that can sponsor a Z visa before you travel.

flyingeggplant (18 posts) • 0

Sorry if I was unclear. We never "converted" L visas to Z visas. We came to Kunming on L visas and were then sponsored by legit schools to go to HK or Bangkok to apply for the Z visas with letters from the schools.

Hotwater (205 posts) • 0

Thanks for the clarification....though as I said (or you said)...that was back in 2009, things have been tightened up a lot since then. A Z visa from HK is maybe possible but very difficult to get now.

laofengzi (376 posts) • 0

good luck with HK. its hit or miss. eveyone in SZ, GZ has ruined legit visa runs .thailand/vietnam/laos you can forget about it.

any visa company or employer telling you other wise is baiting you.

laofengzi (376 posts) • 0

good luck with HK. its hit or miss. eveyone in SZ, GZ has ruined legit visa runs .thailand/vietnam/laos you can forget about it.

any visa company or employer telling you other wise is baiting you.

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