
Laowai typology

debaser (647 posts) • 0

Couldn't they think of any positive (or simply less racist) stereotypes? I wonder if the author just dislikes all foreigners or only the white ones. I appreciate that there are elements of truth in the article but this is a pretty low form of 'humour' and would be totally unacceptable in many other countries. Anyone remember that poster about black people having smaller brains?

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

You've got a point, debaser - obviously the author was only considering Western expats in Beijing - there's this cultural divide between Western and non-Western expats in the Western imagination, I'm afraid - but obviously not all Western expats are what are considered 'White'. Cultural categorization on top of 'racial' categorization, reflecting mental categorization by both Chinese and foreigners.

Haali (1178 posts) • 0

in Kunming I have noticed 3 kinds of stereotypical foreigners:

1. Bar crawlers

2. Outdoorsy types

3. 'Normal' people who sometimes go to bars and go outside for some greenery/exercise, but follow the Chinese example of spending a lot of their time looking at a laptop or phone screen. I'm defo closest to #3.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

Haali: I'd add to that, speaking only of 'Western' foreigners, 4. the Western Christian social service &/or missionaries, and 5. students here for a semester or two,many of whom fit into your 3 categories as well.

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