
Involountary redirecting websites

mike4g_air (788 posts) • 0

If i go to 9 gag.com I get redirected to another website.

Is the problem/ setting in my PC/phone or is the problem at their end?

Not all websites are effected

DanTheMan (620 posts) • 0


Seems that either through a bug/error or deliberate action Chinese networks are redirecting a large number of sites to wpkg.org

Try closing all browsers, clearing DNS cache (not browser cache) and then connecting to VPN before reopening browsers. This might fix your problem.

Shoei (78 posts) • 0

same as for me, im glad i read this i thought my computer was invaded again by the martians.

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

change your DNS to Google DNS ( or or OpenDNS instead of your ISP's default DNS. This almost always solves any weird redirection problems and will also unblock websites that are DNS-blocked. (It will not unblock Facebook because its IP addresses are blocked.)

Xiefei (539 posts) • 0

@bluppfisk: If you read through the lined reddit thread, you'll see that this time seems to be different.

It seems that the GFW is redirecting all sights that use "Facebook Connect," and doing so with some kind of javascript command.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

@DanTheMan, You DA man! This issue was driving me crazy over the weekend. The solution provided in the reddit article worked like a charm.


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